

10 Content Ideas for Filling your Sales Funnel and Generating Leads

Posted by Keri LaRue on Apr 9, 2015 9:00:00 AM

Do you ever get that sense that there are people everywhere looking for your product/service and you are looking for them, but the connection never seems to happen? 

It is kind of like looking for someone at the airport. Rather than both parties running in different directions, sometimes the best way to actually connect is to stay put and let the other person try to find you where they think you will be. 

The same strategy can be effective when you are looking for prospects. Stop chasing them. Create answers to questions and solutions to their problems and let your prospects find you. This strategy is called Inbound Marketing. 

Compelling, educational content is the keystone to lead generation. 

Developing a powerful mix of content that addresses each part of the selling cycle and moves your prospects through the sales funnel is easier than it may seem. 

Before you start a content development program, take the time to clearly define your prospects biggest concerns and pain points. Then, set out to methodically be the hero that freely gives of your expertise and knowledge and helps them create success. 

Inbound Marketing funnel

10 types of content that will move your prospect from awareness to customer. 

Top of the funnel (Awareness)

The top of the funnel content is purely value add and educational in nature. Many companies want to start “selling” in this content… DON’T. Let the prospect get to know you before pushing for your products or services at them. Remember, business decision makers like to be in charge of the process. 

Free webinar or training class 

Creating a ½ hour training class or webinar may seem daunting but it is quite easy. You can quickly develop a class that shares your expertise on a particular topic. Remember, information that is second nature to you is highly valuable to your prospect.

Learn more at - Constant Contact.

GoToMeeting offers a well-priced webinar platform with a 30 day free trial.   

How to video 

Video is tricky. “Home made” video that has poor sound and poor quality can be very distracting. On the other hand, it is not always necessary to hire a high-end, professional video team if you just want to create a quick “how-to video”.  You should consider buying a wireless microphone, making sure the lighting is good, and use video editing software to add an opener and call to action with your url to the end of the piece. 


An infographic is a great way to tell a story with text, design and images. They are easy to read at a glance and convey a lot of valuable information in a very concise way. 

Learn more about infographics and then check out HubSpot’s free infographic templates.


E-books work well at the top of the funnel because they can quickly educate in a scan able, easy to read format. Mixing text with creative graphics can make your content more compelling and your book more enjoyable to read. Make sure you include information about your company, your url, and your phone number at the end of the book. 

HubSpot offers a free, easy-to-use template for creating e-books

Middle of the Funnel (Evaluation) 

Buying Guide

As the prospect moves down the funnel, you can begin to provide more information about your product or service including key decision criteria, options, etc. However, remember that this piece is being provided to your prospect at the middle of the funnel. Don’t oversell your service. The prospect is still comparing companies. Don’t be pushy, or they will push you away.

Case Studies 

When making a purchasing decision, prospects love to see how other similar-type companies are using your product or service and if they are seeing success. Case studies are one of the best pieces of content for moving a prospect/lead to customer status. 

Tell the story from your customer’s perspective, not yours. Don’t try to be the hero in the story. Use quantitative examples to support your story (e.g. increased sales by 47% over 6 month period of time, decreased response time by an average of 15 minutes, resulting in a 38% revenue gain.) 

Whenever possible, show a picture of the customer and provide their name and title. Utilizing audio and video can increase case study effectiveness significantly.

Learn more - 15 Important Ways to Use Case Studies in Your Marketing 

Tools (like ROI Calculator or checklist) 

There are many types of tools you can provide that can illuminate the benefits of using your product or help prospects realize the value of your product/service. Offering a simple checklist that provides purchasing criteria or an implementation plan that explains how to optimize the implementation or installation of your product is very helpful and can say a lot about the thoroughness of your company.  

Providing an ROI calculator for a high priced product or services can help keep the prospect moving through the buying journey.   

Bottom of the Funnel (Close the sale)

If your prospect has made it to the bottom of the funnel and is still engaged, you have officially converted them to a lead. Now is the time to provide a strong offer that carries a sense of urgency. Here are a few options for content pieces that work well at closing the sale. 

Free Trial 

If you have a product/service that you can offer with a free trial, this is a great way to let your lead test your product/service and engage with your company.  It is always best to capture contact information in exchange for their trial so you can easily follow up after the trial is over. 


Offering a coupon, special offer, or gift with purchase that has an expiration date is a great way to create a sense of urgency. It is always best to get a lead to convert while they are engaged with your company and active in the funnel. It can be tricky to get a lead to come back once they start pursuing other options. 

In depth Product Demo

Often times the best way to close a sale is to demonstrate the product or service, highlighting the many features AND benefits  It is helpful to share success stories that highlight the use of, and success with, your product during your demo. 


Another offer that shows off your expertise, customer-centric style, and ability to problem solve, is a FREE consultation. Offer a 15-minute session with your prospect where you can identify their problem and show how why your product or service is a good solution for them. 

There are many calendar programs that allow your leads to book a time on your calendar. Include a link to your calendar and suggest that they book some time on it with you. The process is very simple and it allows the lead to be in charge, which they love.  

Calendar tools include - YouCanBook.me

Are your leads finding you? 

If there are prospects out there who are looking for what you are selling and not finding you, it is time to check out Inbound Marketing

By creating the correct content for the right target, right when they are looking for it, your company becomes very relevant and helpful.  And best of all, your prospects are finding you and you are not interrupting them. 

Contact us today to get started

Topics: HubSpot, Marketing campaigns, Inbound Marketing, Lead Generation

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